How It Works

A safe and simple way to loan against your luxury assets.

Three easy steps to secure your loan

  • Submit asset details

    Use our simple, intuitive online portal to submit the details of your luxury item for valuation. We don’t run credit checks or ask intrusive questions, but we do require proof of ID before issuing a contract.

  • Accept our loan offer

    Our experts will access your requirements and advise you on what we can lend against the asset in as little as 24 hours. If you choose to accept our offer, pop your item in the post to us and we’ll hold it securely for the duration of your loan.

  • Money transferred

    As soon as we receive your item and agree on the loan amount we will release funds into your account by bank transfer. There are no monthly payments and you have nothing to pay until the end of the loan term.

Loan repayments

Our luxury asset loans are for a fixed maximum term of seven months. There is no minimum term and you can redeem your item at any point by paying back the loan amount plus outstanding interest.

At the end of seven months, you may end the contract by paying back the loan amount plus interest. Once your balance is settled we’ll release your item back to you to enjoy.

If you wish to renew your contract you must pay the outstanding interest due on your initial seven month loan and then enter into a new loan contract with us. We’ll continue to keep your asset safe during this time and it remains your property whilst still under contract.

If a customer does not renew or respond to the repayment notice served, we may take steps to dispose of the assets. Having served the notice of our intention to sell the goods we must obtain the true market value on the date of sale which ensures a fair price is obtained for the customer. Where the proceeds of sale are greater than the amount due to us, the balance is due to be paid back to you, the customer.

How much does it cost?

Our luxury assets loans are for a fixed maximum term of seven months and there is no minimum term.

Here's a representation example of how much a luxury asset loan may cost:

Items frequently loaned against

Apply now

No lengthy application procedure, credit checks or intrusive questions. Receive a fair and honest loan offer.